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IFC-objects editing

If object cannot be converted to Renga object when you open an IFC model, it displayed as an IFC object.

IFC objects parameters:

IFC object name.

Level. It determines object level.

Vertical offset. Determines the vertical offset of an object relatively to the insertion point.

Material. he parameter is needed for informational purposes only. It does not affect the IFC object characteristics.

Mark. Necessary for insertion into the drawing. It appears in the schedules.

All the universal operations are available when working with IFC objects. In order to modify, copy or relocate an object having been inserted, select it using the Select tool.

IFC object properties

If an object cannot be geometrically converted into the Renga object, but there is a corresponding Renga object type, then the properties will be related to this object type. For example, the IFC object name is Window - Stained glass: 2 700.00 mm x 4 200.00 mm. Create the required properties for the Windows object type.

If there is no corresponding object type in Renga, then the properties will be related to the Elements object type. For example, the IFC object name is Pile D300. Create the required properties for the Elements object type.