You are here: Modeling > Element


The Element tool allows you to add objects to the Renga model in the following formats:

So that, the model of Renga can be completed with decor elements, interior items, equipment, standard products from manufacturers' catalogs.

In order to create an element, do the following:

  1. On the Tools panel, click the Element tool .
  2. Set the element parameters:
  3. Element position relative to axis. Each option on the drop-down list shows how the element will be located relative to the insertion point on the level's plan or 3D view.

    Element horizontal offset. X axis offset relative to insertion point of element. It may assume negative values.

    Element vertical offset. Y axis offset relative to insertion point of element. It may assume negative values.

    Element style. Defines 3D model, its dimensions, the orientation on the working plane and materials, and also allows you to set any properties for all elements with this style.

    Element width. It is defined in the element style.

    Element depth. It is defined in the element style.

    Element height. It is defined in the element style.

    Precession. Allows you to adjust the position of the object.

    Nutation. Allows you to adjust the position of the object.

    Spin angle. Allows you to adjust the position of the object.

    Level. Determines element level.

    Vertical offset. Determines the vertical offset of an element relatively to the insertion point.

    Mark. It appears in the schedules. Necessary for insertion into the drawing.

  4. Select the element insertion point on the working plane.

For elements created from imported objects in 3ds Max, LightWave, StereoLithography, OBJ, COLLADA, FBX and VRML formats, only bounding box of the imported object is displayed on the plan level.

Elements created from imported objects in C3D, STEP, IGES, Parasolid and ACIS formats are solid and their projections are displayed on the plan level.

How an element created based on an object in JT format will be displayed depends on the information recorded in the source file.

All the above-mentioned parameters may be modified both in the process of object construction and editing the element. Press ENTER to fix the parameter values.

Use Euler angles (Precession, Nutation, Spin angle) to set up an object position.

All the universal operations are available when working with elements. In order to modify, copy or relocate an object having been inserted, select it using the Select tool.