You are here: Modeling > Hole


The Hole tool allows you to create through holes and niches in walls, as well as through and blind holes in beams, columns, floors, roofs, isolated foundations and wall foundations.

To create a hole:

  1. Click the Hole tool.
  2. Set hole parameters:
  3. Hole position relative to axis. Each option on the drop-down list shows how the object will be located relative to the insertion point on the level's plan or 3D view.

    Hole horizontal offset. X axis offset relative to insertion point. Can be negative.

    Hole vertical offset. Y axis offset relative to insertion point. Can be negative.

    Hole style. Defines the hole shape and parameters.

    Hole depth. Specifies the distance to cut the hole. If the hole intersects multiple matching objects, it will be cut from all of them.

    Hole rotation angle.

    Mark. It appears in the schedules. Necessary for insertion into the drawing.

  4. Change the measure mode to Cubic, Cylindrical or Spherical.
  5. Specify the insertion point on the wall, beam, column, floor, isolated foundation or wall foundation edge using snaps. The created hole will have the same level as the object the hole was placed on.

Parameters may be modified both when constructing the hole and when editing. Press ENTER to fix the parameter values.

All the universal operations are available for hole construction.

In order to modify, copy or relocate any created hole, select it by using the Select tool.

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