IProperty Member List

This is the complete list of members for IProperty, including all inherited members.

GetAngleValue([in] enum AngleUnit unit, [out, retval] double *pValue)IProperty
GetAreaValue([in] enum AreaUnit unit, [out, retval] double *pValue)IProperty
GetBooleanValue([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pValue)IProperty
GetDoubleValue([out, retval] double *pValue)IProperty
GetEnumerationValue([out, retval] BSTR *pValue)IProperty
GetIntegerValue([out, retval] int *pValue)IProperty
GetLengthValue([in] enum LengthUnit unit, [out, retval] double *pValue)IProperty
GetLogicalValue([out, retval] enum Logical *pValue)IProperty
GetMassValue([in] enum MassUnit unit, [out, retval] double *pValue)IProperty
GetStringValue([out, retval] BSTR *pValue)IProperty
GetVolumeValue([in] enum VolumeUnit unit, [out, retval] double *pValue)IProperty
HasValue([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pResult)IProperty
SetAngleValue([in] double value_, [in] enum AngleUnit unit)IProperty
SetAreaValue([in] double value_, [in] enum AreaUnit unit)IProperty
SetBooleanValue([in] VARIANT_BOOL value_)IProperty
SetDoubleValue([in] double value_)IProperty
SetEnumerationValue([in] BSTR value_)IProperty
SetIntegerValue([in] int value_)IProperty
SetLengthValue([in] double value_, [in] enum LengthUnit unit)IProperty
SetLogicalValue([in] enum Logical value_)IProperty
SetMassValue([in] double value_, [in] enum MassUnit unit)IProperty
SetStringValue([in] BSTR value_)IProperty
SetVolumeValue([in] double value_, [in] enum VolumeUnit unit)IProperty